Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So here it is!

The blog has officially been created.


Brittney said...

YEAH! I can't wait to see pictures of the house.

Welcome to your new addiction.

Brittney said...

And if you still want a clever name, I would go with Do you like Pena Coladas....... ha ha ha ha

Kat said...

I will probably steal that idea! HA HA! you just wait, next time you see my blog updated THAT will be the new title!

Brittney said...

woo hoo. glad to know I'm not the only person that thinks I'm funny. I don't know if you noticed that, but I think I am freaking HILARIOUS. my blog cracks me up.

Kat said...

I think you are hilarious too! You blog cracks me up too :)

Brittney said...

Ha ha, I'm now a quoted author.